Posts in Eat Well
Going Plant-Based for a Better Future

You often hear people vocalising their 'environmentally friendly' attributes, speaking overly loudly in otherwise quiet public areas about their efforts to buy low-wattage light globes, to recycle their plastic containers, to shorten their showers, therefore lessening their impact and saving the world for their grandchildren!

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Vegetarian vs. Vegan

Nulla ultrices ex augue, eu varius magna blandit at. Mauris condimentum neque vel diam ultrices accumsan. Ut lectus purus, imperdiet at bibendum non, porta nec nisl. Pellentesque suscipit metus et tincidunt condimentum. Nunc volutpat pulvinar tempus. Mauris gravida et turpis et mollis. Maecenas sem nisi, porta et vulputate lobortis, tristique a eros.

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